Respect. Responsibility. Empathy. Quality. Excellence. These were words used often within the conversation between Alvaro Rattinger of Merca 2.0 Marketing and Martha Debayle, media personality and founder of the MMK group. Alvaro opened the discussion by asking what changes Martha has seen in the industry since she started in 2000. Has storytelling gone by the wayside? Some would say that it was more organic then and more strategic now.

Back then it was revolutionary – Back then brands just had t-shirts with a logo on the chest with products here and there and it didn’t really focus on or even TRY to engage with the consumer.

Take parenting for instance, how can brands relate to the very important and crucial stage that the consumer might be going through right now? It’s trying to go beyond sticking a diaper on a kid or using a pacifier and taking the research brands have and translating it to the consumer and by truly wanting to go beyond just selling you a product.

Martha explains that the brands that are successful, are trying to share with me the stage that I’m living in right now that’s crucial to my life. If a brand is interested in me being a mother, interested in what I can do better to prepare and teach me, then that brand is connecting with me through the stories they tell. They are taking an interest and are saying something relevant to me, the audience. They might be hooking me in with empathy and hopefully really listening to what my questions and problems are as a new mom.

“When you lose sight of the people you are talking to you lose sight of the ability to connect”

Alvaro and Martha discussed how the obsession with chasing numbers and data will wear out – emphasizing that things that are made with heart and quality and made to be meaningful to the consumer that will have a positive impact in their lives, to be there them for the different stages of their lives – it all has deep meaning and will never go out of fashion.

“It’s our obligation to know the industry, the market and to turn into consultants for our brands.”

The bottom line and main takeaway from this conversation is that the respect for the consumer must be there if you want your brand to succeed. Brands must realize that consumers are smart and will make the best decision to purchase whatever they are going to purchase for whatever works best for them in their particular stage of life.

The consumer that is awake and paying attention in life is the one you want to respect and listen to.

Respect your audience – commit to make quality content – Mexico needs a singing voice with excellence and quality in everything.

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